The Experts In Engine Prelube Solutions
Why Choose RPM for prelube systems and solutions? View our data, case studies on prelube and oil evacuation systems and see why Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit Diesel, MTU, Komatsu, Volvo and others trust RPM Industries for the prelube solutions.

Testimonials and Case Studies
Read our customers' testimonials on RPM Prelube and oil evacuation systems and solutions. Browse our Lubrication case studies that demonstrate how the RPM prelube system works with different engine applications. See why so many OEMs choose RPM Industries for pre-lubrication solutions.
Training and Installation Services
RPM Industries offers training classes for engine pre-lubrication and oil evacuation utilizing our prelube and QuickEvac systems. RPM Installation Services of Engine Prelube systems - oil evacuation systems are available and are listed on our web site. RPM Industries designs, manufactures, and installs pre-lubrication and evacuation systems.
For more information about RPM Industries' prelube system, call 800.255.2250 or contact us today!